Sensors Compared to Human Senses

Sight: A 1.3 MP Logitech Webcam C110 serves as Salvius’s eye. The robot also uses a PIR (passive infrared) to detect body heat.

Hearing: Salvius detects audio using a piezoelectric mic element. The microphone is standard but an amplifier has been constructed for the robot that clarifies and focuses the sound waves detected by the mic element. This is similar to how the human ear works to amplify sound waves. The only limiting factor for the robot is the quality of the mic element.

Touch: Many touch sensors have been embedded throughout the robots design in order to detect when parts of the robot come in contact with other objects.

Smell: At this time Salvus has no method of detecting smell but in future plans will have a gas detecting sensor. Commercially available sensors can be used to detect a range of gasses such as the Alcohol Gas Sensor, Methane CNG Gas Sensor, Hydrogen Gas Sensor, Carbon Monoxide Sensor 

Taste: Taste is a sense that is closely related to the ability to detect and differentiate smells. However to represent a sense of taste a pH sensors could be used to detect acidity of materials dissolved in water.
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