So Where's the Stargate?

There is some astounding technology out there that stands ready to change the world as we know it.

1. Lawrence Livermore Fusion Reactor

Scientists at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory are trying to achieve self-sustaining nuclear fusion. The federally funded research aims to create a miniature star by focusing an energy pulse from over a hundred high power lasers on a deuterium and tritium sphere. Another interesting person to read about in the field of cold fusion is Yasuhiro Iwamura, check out his ANS Presentation on LENR Transmutation.

2. Infinite Radio Signal Transmission

Scientists at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics have simultaneously transmitted multiple radio channels over same radio frequency. Electromagnetic waves can have both spin and orbital angular momentum, Bo Thide and a group of researchers have discovered a way to transmit a near infinite number of signals on the same frequency. These frequencies include television, radio, wireless, and cellular channels.

3. Gorilla Glass

This chemically strengthened glass was created by Corning in the 1960s. The glass was lightweight, scratch resistant and flexible, however its creators had no idea what they could possibly use it for. Today, Gorilla Glass has become the norm for use over 20% of touch screen devices sold world wide.

4. Google's Quantum Computer

Google has purchased an adiabatic gate model quantum computer from a company called D-Wave. This computer is one of the first in a future line of quantum computing computers which will make the strongest methods of modern computer security completely obsolete.

5. Spider Goats

These amazing goats on a farm at Utah State University have been genetically engineered to produce large quantities of the spider silk protein in their milk. This was accomplished by transplanting genes from spiders which contain the blueprints for dragline silk. Dragline silk is the silk that spiders use to catch themselves with when they fall and it is among the strongest materials known to humans. The silk protein can be extracted from the goat's milk and then spun into spider silk thread.

6. A Universal Translator

The universal translator is a device that seems like it came from the world of Star Trek, but researchers have been making progress. While progress has been made in the direction of improving  translations, Laurance Doyle of SETI has demonstrated an astounding pattern in languages. Doyle has demonstrated that any language, be it a conversation spoken in Mandarin, or a British novel, if you take a count of each word provided it forms a pattern. The pattern is that when sorted on order from greatest to fewest occurrences, the words form a 45 degree slope. This pattern emerges in any language, and Doyle has shown this to be true even in communications sent between dolphins.

7. Glow-in-the-dark Plants

This research project aims to create glow-in-the dark plant that will act like organic street lights. This project is crowdfunded and initially appeared on kickstarter. They are currently conducting research and taking pre-orders for seed packs from thier page on Etsy.

8. Gech Skin

Gech skin is a dry adhesive that provides an ideal grip for robot feet. It is a synthetic replication of the material that geckos have on their feet which allows them to crawl up smooth surfaces and also to rest without exerting any energy. Check out this great YouTube video which covers the material in greater detail.

9. Kardashev scale

Physicist Michio Kaku defined the Kardashev scale as a means to measure the level of a civilization's of technological advancement. The scale was first proposed in 1964 by the Soviet astronomer Nikolai Kardashev after which it has been named. He defines the scale based on the amount of energy that a civilization is able to access and control. The scale has three categories designated as Type I, II, and III. Type I civilizations are able to use all available resources available from their own planet. Type II civilizations are able to harnesses all the energy of an orbited star. Type III civilizations are able to harvest all of the energy contained within their galaxy. Various extensions of the scale have been proposed such as types 0, IV and V.
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